Interview with Forbes España!

Read this informative interview with Bisila about Spain and U.S. business cultures.

(In Spanish only)

¿Y el ingrediente estrella? La creatividad, una mente inquieta que mostrará el próximo 19 de mayo en Madrid durante su ponencia en el evento Zinc Shower 2016. La entrevistamos para dar un repaso a la cultura empresarial española, su éxito, la importancia de la actitud en los negocios y el famoso sueño americano.

Nació y estudió en España, vive y trabaja en Nueva York, como conocedora de las culturas empresariales de España y EE.UU., ¿cuál cree que es la principal diferencia entre ambas?

Considero que la principal diferencia entre la cultura empresarial española y la americana reside en la actitud frente al fracaso. En España el miedo al fracaso nos paraliza, se asocia a la pérdida de oportunidades, lo vemos desde un punto de vista trágico, es una sombra en el currículum que no es fácil de evadir.

En Estados Unidos el fracaso se asocia a la apertura de nuevas oportunidades, se considera un motivo para generar cambios e innovar. Además, ¡puede suponer hasta una ventaja en tu historial profesional! España es un país con mucho talento, una gran profesionalidad y disciplina de trabajo, sin embargo, cuando traspasamos las fronteras geográficas lo hacemos con timidez y falta de seguridad en nosotros mismos. Esta actitud de freno nos limita a la hora de alcanzar el éxito.

En Estados Unidos, sentirse el mejor y tener una gran seguridad se ve como una ventaja. La fe en uno mismo se expresa sin tapujos y en el producto va siempre por delante. Con esa actitud se conquista el mundo.

Click here to read the rest of the interview.

Interview with El Attelier Magazine (in Spanish Only)

Bisila Bokoko, nacida en Valencia, de origen africano y asentada en Estados Unidos es el ejemplo de mujer emprendedora que lucha cada día por su sueño con una sonrisa en la cara y con la satisfacción de haber conseguid, y conseguir cada día, aquello que se ha propuesto. No podemos esperar a ver cómo nos cuenta cómo vive su sueño el próximo 19 de mayo durante su conferencia en Zinc Shower, así que nos adelantamos y le ‘sacamos’ algo de información en primicia.

Mujer empresaria en EEUU, emprendedora de éxito y con proyectos solidarios… ¿cómo has alcanzado todos estos hitos?

Lo que me ha llevado a lograr estos objetivos ha sido sobretodo la voluntad de querer hacerlo con gran optimismo y el apoyo de personas que han influido en mí y en mi desarrollo profesional.

Vivimos en un mundo que sigue teniendo un lado machista, sobre todo a nivel empresarial, ¿cómo has conseguido desenvolverte en este terreno? ¿te lo han puesto más difícil de lo que ya de por sí conlleva el sector?

Aunque existen ciertas barreras en el camino, depende de uno el querer saltarlas. Yo he elegido no prestar atención a las etiquetas y centrarme en dónde quiero llegar, y cómo. Mi relación laboral con hombres ha sido muy satisfactoria y mi condición femenina no ha entrado a colación.

Read the rest of the interview here.


An Entrepreneur’s Leadership Journey

Read about Bisila’s journey by Shellie Karabell, a contributor at Forbes Magazine.


“It’s difficult to choose just one label,” Bisila Bokoko tells me when we meet at The Ritz in Madrid recently. She has already greeted several tables of friends on the way to our interview. Indeed, it this facility to engage people that led to one of her latest ventures – creating libraries for youngsters in Africa, the land of her grandparents.

Called The Bisila Bokoko African Literacy Project (BBALP), it provides books and scholarships for some 10 children a year between the ages of 6 to 10 years. And it happened one-on-one, in 2009, when she travelled to Africa for the first time. “I met the Chief of Kokofu and Ghana, and he appointed me ‘Queen Development mother,’” she explained, and so the library was developed to foster education. She posted news of the project on her Facebook account. And the project grew.

Read the rest of the article here.

Bisila Bokoko in Forbes Africa.

Read this great article about Bisila’s career and journey through the business world.

Beyond the sharp suit and thick American accent, it’s easy to tell Bisila Bokoko’s heart beats for Africa. Born in Valencia, Spain, to parents from Equatorial Guinea, she lives in New York, but straddles continents, sometimes taking as many as six flights a week.

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The Art of Inspired Living by STANDSEVEN: Bisila Bokoko Interview

Bisila Bokoko is a Spanish-American businesswoman, entrepreneur, speaker and philanthropist. She is the founder and CEO of BBES, a New York-based business development agency that represents, promotes and markets brands internationally.

If you could have a historical figure for dinner, who would it be?

I would like to have Coco Channel and Nelson Mandela for dinner. I find Coco very inspirational as a woman and I believe she changed the way women feel in their clothes and her sense of indepence I admire it! Nelson Mandela is synonymous of deep compasionate love and forgiveness. I think I will enjoy ‎a great conversation with both!

What is your biggest temptation?

My partner in life.

Best recent travel?

South Africa, I was one month ago in Johannesburg and I enjoyed so much! It was very uplifting trip! I went to explore possibilities for the next BBALP location and it turn to be an amazing trip mostly because of the great people I met! I stayed at the Michelangelo Hotel in Mandela Square and they made my experience even better!

Want more? Click here to read the rest!

Credits to STANDSEVEN.
Follow StandSeven on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Ambassador for NYC Pilates Personalized Trainer, Stefanie Gordon

We would like to introduce you to our new client, Stefanie Gordon, who is a Pilates trainer. She is a great motivator, a STOTT PILATES ® advanced certified instructor, licensed on all apparatuses as well as with injuries and special populations. She is additionally certified as a personal trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine as well as a certifying instructor-trainer with Pilates Academy International.

To book a session with Stefanie, click here.

Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest @ StefGordonFit!!

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Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Exhibition, June 18th at 7PM!!

Join us for the Opening of Agatha Ruiz de la Prada’s exhibition at the Cervantes Institute in NYC!

This show features a selection of costumes, posters and furniture that Agatha Ruiz de la Prada created during more than thirty years of work. The newness and optimism that define her creations appears in all of her designs, especially in her graphic productions, where spontaneous and dynamic lines are used in both the typography and contours of shapes, and relate to her characteristics live colors, the extreme stylization of motifs and the omnipresence of her symbols: hearts, flowers and stars.

Exhibition opens Thursday, June 18th, 7PM
(thru July 6th)
Free Admission

Cervantes Institute
211 East 49th Street, New York, NY 10017

It will be a great whimsical exhibition! Don’t miss it!!